Neha Panjwani
Core Skills
- Research
- Qualitative Research
- Quantitative Research
- Policy Analysis
- Project Management
- Report Writing
- Microsoft Office
- Social Media
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Paper Presentation, 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Sept 2017
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Presenter, European Journal of Sustainable Development, Feb 2018
- Co-founder, Habib Adventure Society & HU Service Club, Aug 2014
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Intern Quality Assurance, Deloitte Yousuf Adil & USAID Pakistan, July 2017 - Aug 2017
- Research Project Intern, Renewable Energy, Indus Earth Trust, June 2016 - Aug 2016
Final Year Project
Project Title
Exploring Transgender Individuals’ Subjective Experiences on Karachi’s Public Buses
My thesis endeavours to fill the conceptual gap in mobility literature by highlighting the subjective experiences of the transgender (khwājā sīrā, commonly known as hījrās in a derogatory manner) community in relation to Karachi’s public transportation. Despite recently being granted legal status in Pakistan, khwājā sīrās suffer from rampant harassment, systematic exclusion, and limited access to justice, among other forms of discrimination. Drawing on primary and secondary data findings, this research points to the empirical reality of transgender lives. Using paradigms of symbolic interactionism, phenomenology, and structuralism, the thesis assesses the complex dynamics of their inclusion/exclusion from transit spaces, resulting in a differentiated mobility experience.